Bugg It.(Formerly Fly Hunter) Series Log(Old Name Links Inside!)


  • Posts: 376
Update(3/20/2020): Working on the second stage for the full game and its art. I need help on making a fully functional slot machine for it as the stage will be based on a casino. Here is its boss.


  • Posts: 376
Update(5/24/2020): My gaming computer went down and my mother gave me a cool laptop. I am studying my laptop as I'm moving my work to it. I turned 35 a week ago.


  • Posts: 376
UPDATE(7/14/2020): Here is one of my slot machines in Stage 2 of the full game of Fly Hunter. This brand of slot machines will be in the foreground as one of them will operate in the middle of the stage. I will be working on the rest of the scenery for the next two months and I will work on the other slot machine after this, as I need to learn how to animate a lever being pulled to the front.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 10:42:33 pm by Mineat »


  • Posts: 376
UPDATE(7/17/2020): Here is the title art for the other brand of slot machines. I made this in Inkscape and had a bad time making it(trouble getting fonts, fitting shapes, applying wanted colors, highlighting it). Tell me if it looks finished or not, because I have many things I want to try out about its concept.


  • Posts: 376
Update(08/30/2020):  Super late, but I've designed a few backgrounds, enemies and a boss for the extra stage in the full game of Fly Hunter. The boss attached to this post is called the lightning bug and he flashes a light from his abdomen and flies away, turning the stage into a holiday-themed stage fitting its theme for the date the game is opened on and leaving you with holiday-themed bosses and enemies before the lightning bug comes back, giving you a chance to swat it. The way to reach the stage is also kept secret.


  • Posts: 376
Update(10/6/2020): Updated my games with plenty of new tricks learned from Luyren, Ginge, merrak and Aditya, including a personal trick of my own that I didn't know all along. Drawing event code is now simplified and all of the enemies in my game starting from the demo's release were perfectly planned all along, as a collision between two actors needs to be detected by the collided actor with the most prevalent code while the other needs to have no collision code conflicting with the other's, as the rest of the triggering code needs to put in entirely separate behaviors for both while this issue needs to be known by the entire Stencyl community.


  • Posts: 376
Update(10/12/2020): Updated this thread's first post with artwork straight out of my new Flickr and changed some text. I am thinking of a majorly new gimmick as I was writing in its main franchise project summary file while trying to appeal to a Newgrounds writing contest holder for an entry and coming up with more yesterday afternoon. They haven't been documented yet, so I'm going to keep a vital note of this soon.


  • Posts: 376
Update(11/2/2020): Revamped the options screen.


  • Posts: 376
Update(11/28/2020): Here is the concept art for the new Stage 1 of Fly Hunter for the full game.

My next move will be animating the reflection of the cabinet's mirror door in the intro of the stage(lady in bath towels turning off the sink before leaving the stage, as it is bathroom-themed) and making the cabinet a multi-image stage prop that includes breaking mirror glass, cabinet fires, medicine item actors that kill or inflict side effects(such as being drunk, put to sleep or supercharged with energy) on enemies when hit or having the entire cabinet fall after being destroyed. As for the Bot Fly, it and the other bosses will be tweaked to include their weaknesses.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 11:48:09 pm by Mineat »


  • Posts: 376
Update(1/21/2021): Late Happy New Year as I'm currently rethinking my company plans. The company will not be named TopHatTop Games nor use its previous logo nor its previous names for the time being. I am currently working on logo art for the new company name, as its latest debate about the design centers around the logo being worthy of being called a company logo. If finished, the company will use the art all across its products.


  • Posts: 376
Update(3/23/2021): Found a problem with the game's HUD, as the text displaying how many lives the player has tends to partially disappear when drawing over it, and the other text(score, enemy counter, etc.) tends to work fine while setting the opacity of the object going over the lives text to 100% restores it as long as it's directly over it. I am also cleaning up the game's coding due to what I've learned at Discord.


  • Posts: 376
Update(4/20/2021): Fixed the game's HUD text bug all by myself for the full game in development, and reported the solution to the Issue Tracker and Discord for all to see.


  • Posts: 376
Update(6/24/21): Made the mouse tell if it is out of the window or not for the full game. Plans to revive the states of the enemies will be in effect as soon as I create my company assets. Looked into the game and found out that the title screen has a few problems.


  • Posts: 376
Update(8/18/2021): Working on company product design problems, as I might have found an art style to stick with. Will update Fly Hunter and other games with it as I am taking mental notes of all of them(concepts, ideas, game changes...).


  • Posts: 376
Update(10/4/2021): Got overwhelmed as I found out that not just the characters among all products have to be redone, but the music and resources, due to a lot of thinking(including some thinking about Driver's comments). The overhaul will take long, but will be worth the wait as I take notes.