Stencylstein 3D


  • Posts: 251
One of my favorite things to do in Stencyl when I’m bored is goof around with the Away3D extension and see what I can do with it. Sure many of my experiments do end in untextured purgatory, but it’s always a good time. One of the things I’ve always wanted to do was create a game like Wolfenstein or Doom using it.  And after a few months of on and off toying around I think I might be ok to something. My hope with what I have so far is to one day (that might be a while due to my lack of experience) create an FPS kit for those of all skill levels to be able to use. I’m really excited from what I’ve managed to put together in the past day, but currently do have a few issues:
  • Currently I’m unable to create visible, 2D plane enemies (this should be resolved soon though)
  • Camera can clip in through some sides of the walls (I haven’t quite figured out camera controllers yet, hopefully this won’t take too too long to fix)
  • No mouse camera controls (this isn’t really anyone’s fault, no one excepted that a 3D extension would be made for the engine)
  • I haven’t quite figured out pathfinding (I’m sure with a bit of analysis of the AI extension I’ll figure something out)
  • From my past experiments, I’ve found that I’ll only be able to use hit scan or melee attacks for both enemies and the player (Away 3D doesn’t exactly like converting objects mid game and will leave an extra, static mesh behind)
  • Haven’t figured out how to render sprite sheets using Away3D
This’ll probably be a side project for me and I’ll probably work on it whenever I’m in the mode for some FPS action. I plan to document everything notable in this thread :).
[Edit]: I had a video I wanted to show but something was being weird, it’ll be up in a few hours most likely


  • Posts: 251

« Last Edit: August 25, 2019, 09:16:54 am by NerdinaNutshell »


  • Posts: 251
Here's a video showing off some of the progress I made. Finally figured out that textures need to be powers of 2 (thanks mdotedot) and I was able to remove the black area that is on any texture with transparent backgrounds by setting the blendMode of the texture to code:openfl.display.BlendMode.LAYER

« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 02:25:10 pm by NerdinaNutshell »


  • Posts: 1617
That's awesome!  Now theres a Doom port in stencyl! :p. Keep it up.. I love it.  I'll mess with the 3d stuff eventually!


  • Posts: 251
That's awesome!  Now theres a Doom port in stencyl! :p. Keep it up.. I love it.  I'll mess with the 3d stuff eventually!
I wouldn’t exactly say “Doom port.” From the looks of it, it’ll be  a sort of mid-ground between Wolf3D and Doom.


  • Posts: 1617
Yeah.. haha. I know.. I meant the literally have doom on everything!


  • Posts: 251
Originally I had the controls as the arrow keys and space bar(for shooting). I decided to change the controls to WASD and the mouse added strafing (done with Q and E).


  • Posts: 376
That looks great. Have you tried this in Stencyl 4.0?


  • Posts: 251
Yep it’s all running in 4.0 and fantastically I might add :)


  • Posts: 251
Didn't have a ton of free time today so I just did a few bug fixes and tests. From the looks of it, Away 3D doesn't exactly weigh Stencyl down in terms of performance. I did a quick test to see how many objects I could have on-screen before the game goes for a swim (probably like 20 something). It did dip, but only momentarily.

Aside from that, I found out I had to change the conversion code for objects that will be placed more than once. I'm thinking of slowing down a bit and thinking through how I plan to program things so the project doesn't become code spaghetti.


  • Posts: 376
Judging from your experience, I might want to try Away3D on another project series I had in mind. On the other hand, it seems to perform very seamlessly. That's good to hear.


  • Posts: 251
Judging from your experience, I might want to try Away3D on another project series I had in mind. On the other hand, it seems to perform very seamlessly. That's good to hear.
Experience wise I’ve got a lot to learn. There’s a lot of more advanced techniques I’m still trying to wrap my brain around.


  • Posts: 80
it is a good thing. only need player to walk,
then all objects are with x or y speed in camera,
which fulfills people who loves xy speed a lots.


  • Posts: 251
I’m definitely going to be slowing progress a bit in order to do a bit of bug fixing


  • Posts: 875
Thats awesome ! didnt knew a game like that was done on stencyl
Would you share it when its done ? or at least sell it ?
Is possible to have stairs effect and moving platforms like in doom game ?