My extensions have stopped working {Solved}


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  • Posts: 731
I've built a couple of extensions - not ready for sharing yet as unfinished, but they worked until I downloaded the latest beta.  Has something changed that could have stopped it working?  The extension parsed JSON using

I've tried all the obvious things, but my game will no longer compile with a 'type not found' error for my extensions class name.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 03:06:20 am by designpeg »


  • Posts: 87
Did you try clean project from the tools menu?


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  • Posts: 731
Yes, I tried cleaning


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  • Posts: 731
Ahh, solved! somehow I'd not capitalised the name of my class file in the same way as in my blocks file - though why it worked under the earlier version of Stencyl I don't know.