Luyren's Miscellaneous Behaviors


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  • Posts: 2807
Hi everyone!

Over the years I have shared behaviors, either here or on the late Stencylforge, for everyone to use. Most of these public behaviors are way outdate compared to the versions I kept working on, so I decided to make a collection of them in a single resource pack and put them on Most of them have been public for a while, and some of them are brand new. They'll work in both public and private builds of Stencyl, and can be used in any type or genre of game you're making.

You can download it here.

Here is the full list:
Actor Aura: creates an aura for the actor, based on its animation.
Actor Parallax: enable parallax scrolling for individual actors.
After Image: draw after images for your actors.
Color Swap: swaps colors for the actor. Comes with custom blocks to apply effects and change opacity of the color swapped image.
Die Over Time: erases an actor over time, with the option for different times based on its animation. This can be used to have several particles as animations in one single Actor Type.
Light Source: allows your actor to create a light source that masks the tint screen effect.
Particles: create several types of particles for your actors.
Player Control: platformer m​ovement behavior, includes horizontal movement, jumping, facing, slope detection and semi-solid platforms. This is the only "genre specific" behavior.
Resize Scene Menu Window: resize actors using the "9-slice" method.
Save Actors: save actors created at runtime, to be loaded when you return to a scene. It can also save actors placed in the Scene Designer, including their position.
Save Status: save attributes and actor values for your actors across multiple scenes.
Scene Soundtrack: handles soundtrack options for your scenes.
Slide Camera: provides a custom block to slide the camera.
Time Count: customize several timers that can work simultaneously, with a variety of saving options.
Tint Screen: applies as many tint screen effects as you want.

There is also a tutorial video available.

These are pay what you want. You get the resource pack (a .png which you can import into Stencyl under File > Import Resource - that is the resource pack) and documentation for them in a .rar file.

I have another resource pack in the works, this one for cutscenes, which will come out relatively soon. And all this works feeds back into my RPG Platformer Kit as well, which will come out... eventually.

Let me know either here or on the discord server if you have any questions or problems with it.


« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 05:56:52 pm by Luyren »
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 1617
Wow!  Looks great!  I'll try and donate when I get back to making games.  I'm waiting for the rpg platformer to make Huck n barrel!  ;)


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  • Posts: 2807
Quick Update for this pack:

Time Count behavior had some inconsistencies between the documentation and the accepted values for the draw modes. Updated both to reflect that.

You now set the timer separators in the Timer Settings list itself, for each individual timer.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


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  • Posts: 2807
Big Update:
I added a Color Swap behavior, in the style of megaman. You set color modes in a map, that swap colors in batches.

It comes with the following custom blocks:
-SwapColorMode: sets the color mode for the given actor.
-EffectColorSwap: applies an actor effect to the color swap image. If the actor is not using a color swap, the effect will be applied to the actor.
-OpacityColorSwap: sets the opacity for the color swap image over time. If the actor is not using a color swap, the opacity will be set for the actor.

The After Image and Actor Aura behaviors were also updated to use the color swap as well. If you just want the new behavior, download the attachment. Extract it, and import into your game. But if you want the Actor Aura and After Image updates, redownload the resource pack. You'll have to remove the old one from your game.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


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  • Posts: 2807
Another significant update. While I was working on the cutscenes pack, I ran into some issues that would require some major work. I decided to do it, and the end result is a new behavior that is now included in this resource pack:
Player Control: platformer movement behavior, includes horizontal movement, jumping, facing, slope detection, animations, camera follow and semi-solid platforms. All the movement code is in custom events which can be called from other behaviors. This means you can use this behavior on other actors that are not the player, and have the game control their movement through these triggers.

If you had trouble with slopes, or wanted semi-solid platforms (also known as jump-through platforms) and never knew how to do it, this behaviors does it all. I personally don't usually cram non-related features into a single behavior, but I made an exception to make it easier to share.

Also added another behavior that I simply forgot:

Save Scene Actor State: saves the position and attributes of actors placed in the Scene Designer.

If you place an actor in the scene designer, and want to save its position so that when you return to that scene it is where you left it, this behavior covers it. It can also stores attributes and actor values for that actor. The information is saved individually for each instance of the actor, tied to the scene they are in.
Saving actors placed in the scene designer, including their position, is now handled by the Save Status behavior.

There are also additions to the Actor Aura and After Image behaviors: they now have attributes which you can save to keep track of the last used aura and after image presets.

As always, you can download the updated version in my page.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 03:03:25 pm by Luyren »
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


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  • Posts: 2807
New behavior added to this resource pack:
Switch Backgrounds:​ allows you to change the opacity of layers based on the camera's center position. Can be used to simulate background changes, like a Mega Man X game.

I posted earlier today on the Discord server about this as a script that can be done with the upcoming Cutscenes Resource Pack, but it made more sense to have it as a behavior to automate everything.

Also fixed a variety of typos in the behavior's descriptions and in the documentation.

As always, you can download the updated version in my page.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


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  • Posts: 2807
I've just spent the day on a major overhaul of the Save Status behavior, and you can read about it here.

It basically changes how you configure the values to save, and the code is more efficient now. That post also shows how to fix an importing issue on b10300. It's basically replacing a block that gets missplaced when you import this pack in the public build.

If you are already using this in your game, there is no need to update: the old implementation worked fine. If you aren't: hey, it's a free pack, there might be something useful for your games in here.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


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  • Posts: 2807
My last update on this pack for 2019 comes with new improvements and features:
Actor Aura and After Images​: you can now have multiple auras and after image settings active at once. They are configured just like the ​Particles​ behavior now.

​Player Control​: added a "jump buffer" feature. This gives the player a leeway when pressing the jump button just before touching the ground, to perform another jump.

These changes have also been applied to the cutscenes pack.

You must redownload the pack if you want these new features, and you can do that here.
I'll also start working on video tutorials on all my resources after the new year festivities, and the map system should be released pretty soon as well, so look forward to that.

Happy new year everyone, and thank you for the support!
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 1617
Do the particles or after images have collisions? 


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  • Posts: 2807
After Images are just images, they don't have collision. Particles are actors, so it's your choice if they have collision or not.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 5
first of all , thanks for this amazing share Luyren . i havea a question . i did attach the after image behaviour to an actor (my character) . but i dont see any after image effects even tho the attribute Activate is checked . is it all i gotta do to make it work or should i trigger an event ? . thanks once again for taking the time and effort into making  this .


  • *
  • Posts: 2807
Thanks for using my resources! Can you post a screen shot of your After Image behavior page when you attach it to your actor? I made some recent pages (you can see the most recent devlog in the page), but since I didn't do proper version control, I need to see it to know what exactly is missing.

Either way, it should work with the default values, and I'll take a look at that right away.

Edit: I left "Add" as the default blend mode, and that might simply not show up because of your actor's sprite. You could try setting the blend mode to "Normal." At least that was the hiccup on the default value.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 05:27:44 pm by Luyren »
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 5
Thanks for using my resources! Can you post a screen shot of your After Image behavior page when you attach it to your actor? I made some recent pages (you can see the most recent devlog in the page), but since I didn't do proper version control, I need to see it to know what exactly is missing.

Either way, it should work with the default values, and I'll take a look at that right away.

Edit: I left "Add" as the default blend mode, and that might simply not show up because of your actor's sprite. You could try setting the blend mode to "Normal." At least that was the hiccup on the default value.
hi  luyren , please check attached screenshots for more details .  thanks once again for your help .


  • Posts: 5
Thanks for using my resources! Can you post a screen shot of your After Image behavior page when you attach it to your actor? I made some recent pages (you can see the most recent devlog in the page), but since I didn't do proper version control, I need to see it to know what exactly is missing.

Either way, it should work with the default values, and I'll take a look at that right away.

Edit: I left "Add" as the default blend mode, and that might simply not show up because of your actor's sprite. You could try setting the blend mode to "Normal." At least that was the hiccup on the default value.

here is the block for the blend modes for after image behavior as well .