1. Can "Save Actors" behaviour be used for storing the actor info between game launches, together with the "normal" game attributes for which saving has been set to "enabled" (predefined by user)?
Yes. All saved information is stored in game attributes. If you use Stencyl's save and load blocks, those are included.
2. If so, how exactly do I trigger the "save" events in my actors? Or everything is saved automatically every cycle, as long as the Scene Save boolean is set to true?
In the description of the behavior, you'll see a section called "Triggers", which are custom events you can call to quickly interact with the behaviors. The "Save Status" behavior (the one you attach to actors) automatically saves whenever there is a scene transition, and you can call the trigger "Save" for your actors if you want to save the actor's data at any other moment. The "Scene Save" boolean is only required if you want to save actors to that scene specifically, and it's intended for actors created at run time which you want to save. That means multiple instances of that actor type can be saved in the same or in different scenes, each with their own values. As such, this is not used for player actors in the vast majority of cases.
Save Status: attach to the actors you want to save. Populate the "Values to Save" map with the attributes and actor values you want saved. Check the "Scene Save" boolean if that actor type is created at run-time and must be loaded back when you return to a scene.
Save Actors: attach this behavior to scenes that will store actors created at run-time. If you leave and return to this scene, those actors will automatically be created.
TLDR: if you want to save outside of scene transitions, call the trigger "Save" for your actors. Otherwise, stuff is loaded when the scene/actor is created, and saved during scene transitions. If you save run-time created actors, those will be automatically created and their configured values loaded along with the scene.
3. Are relative attributes also saved correctly? E. g. I have a global hashmap salvable attribute called "selected hero map" that basically points to another hashmap attached to a hero avatar actor. Will loading all the respective actors using your behaviour, and loading the saved "selected hero map" attribute using the "load saved game" block keep that link between these maps?
If you use other game attributes in your logic, those are not affected by my behaviors. What the Save Status behavior does is allow you to type in the name of actor values or actor attributes and store them in a map game attribute. Whenever that actor is created, it will set all its selected values to the ones stored in the game attribute. It's up to you to populate the "Values to Save" map in that behavior with everything you want to save for that actor. You can also save maps and lists using my behaviors, and maps containing other maps or lists, but I'm unsure what would happen if you store just a "pointer." You could add both your pointer and your main map in the "Values to Save" map and it should all be good, I think. But if what you mentioned involves only game attributes, then it shouldn't interfere.
And last but not least, thank you for the support!