This resource pack allows you to script events for your actors, including cutscenes, dialog, treasure chests, enemy patterns and even entire visual novels, and any other uses you can think of. In this pack, scripts are sequence of events that can be triggered in order, with a wait time between them. Since they are behaviors, they can be used in multiple actors or specific instances of your actors with different settings and entirely different scripts, using the same behaviors.
It also has several quality of life features: changing scenes with relative positioning and required keys, saving, in-game time cycles and light simulation, configure controls for both keyboard and gamepad, soundtrack, particles and many others, all integrated with the scripting behavior. This resource pack can be used in any genre or style of game. You even get a variation of this pack that includes RPG elements!
You have the option to get the sample game's project file as well, with extra documentation for it. It showcases several of the possibilities of this resource pack as well as some script organization tricks.
If you want to try it out without paying for the full version, you can play an HTML5 version of the showcase game if you visit the pack's page in the link above. You can also try out a
free version, with a simplified cutscene manager behavior that allows you to create some scripts. The two together will give you a good idea of some of the things that are possible with this pack.
This resource pack is made entirely with vanilla Stencyl, no extensions required, and it works in both the public and private builds. It has minimal use of actual written code, relying almost entirely on the regular blocks.
If you've used my
miscellaneous behaviors pack or the
RPG elements pack, all of them are already included in this pack, but fully integrated with the scripting method and other behaviors.
Now let's talk about some of the features, starting with:
Here you can see the available options to customize, and how the behavior itself looks in the actor's page. Also note that the layout is customizeable: you can have it look entirely different than this showcase.
As a preview of the scripting method, here is the script for that particular dialog (with the actual dialog text cut because of spacing). It stops the player actor, disables its behaviors so it can't move around and shows the dialog, each one with a different preset, before returning control to the player.
0|0,0,Set Actor,Player Actor
0|1,0,Manage Behaviors,Disable,Player Control
0|2,0,Set Speed,0,-
0|4,0,Set Actor,Self
0|5,0,Set Value,Global,Display,-,Set,0
0|6,0.2,Face Player,Animation,IdleR,IdleL
0|7,0,Dialog,Key Input,[No Sound],[Wait],[No Skip],-,Here you'll see some of the options for dialog display. [...]
0|8,0,Dialog,Key Input,[No Sound],[Wait],[No Skip],Single,You can have the whole dialog in a single window[...]
0|9,0,Dialog,Key Input,[No Sound],[Wait],[No Skip],Sample,You can also configure [...]
0|10,0,Set Value,Global,Display,-,Set,null
0|11,0,Set Actor,Player Actor
0|12,0,Manage Behaviors,Enable,Player Control
0|14,0,Event Index,0,Stop
Next update will be about branching dialog options.
Thanks for reading!