This is an extension for the SDK for HTML5 games that can be used by any developers approved by Poki. If not already involved with Poki, you can check this page for more information: using Stencyl version b11186 or later, the extension is now hosted on Github: extension has 5 blocks, and the initialization happens automatically due to the template files that are replaced by the extension (thanks to Justin for helping with that).
Use this block to tell Poki when gameplay has started and stopped.
Show a standard ad and then the blocks inside the wrapper will be triggered when the ad either finishes or fails to show. Ad rate throttling is done automatically on Poki's end.
Show a rewarded ad and then the blocks inside the wrapper will be triggered when the ad either finishes or fails to show. If the embedded reward boolean is true inside the wrapper, then the ad was shown correctly and the player should be rewarded.
This block no longer functions (always returns false) due to privacy changes on Poki.
Send an error message that can be viewed on the Poki developer site.
For more info, refer to the Poki Developer Guide here: not a part of this extension, Poki games need to be scalable on their site. To enable automatic scaling, go to Settings > Advanced > OpenFL Settings and paste
<window resizable="true" /> into that box. Your game resolution will also need to be in the 16:9 aspect ratio.
If using Stencyl version b10568 or if encountering a console error about APP_FILE_SIZE, open up include.xml inside of the extension folder and uncomment the line that says
<set name="b10568" />If there are issues with the extension let me know either on here, the Stencyl Discord, or the Stencyl channel in the Poki Discord.
Download Extension(must be signed in to the forums to download)
Update 3:Added a new block for custom error reporting.
Removed some things deprecated by Poki (happy time, loading start/progress, sitelock).
Update 2:Replaced the outdated public build template with one that works with the current public build (b10568) and fixes the APP_FILE_SIZE error.
Fixed wrapper blocks so they still work in cases where the Poki extension code is disabled.
Update 1:Restricted the sitelock code to non-debug mode since it caused a crash when testing locally.
Added a boolean block to check if an ad blocker was detected by Poki on startup.