I'm using Heyzap Extension by
byrobingames I've done everything to set up on the Heyzap website, but I still get in the Debug Mode that all the SDKs aren't available and I can't see any ads (Banners and Rewarded videos). On the Heyzap website, it shows that everything is fine even 8 impressions from Unity which is weird because I haven't seen them and in the Debug mode it's shown as not available. I used iOs IDFA on the Heyzap website for testing. I'm not sure where else should I look for a solution. Heyzap doesn't have any support or even e-mail to write to and Fiber who bought Heyzap doesn't have anything of this sort either. Maybe someone has any experience that might help me?
When I test from Stencyl in Console I can see that Heyzap isn't even trying to fetch any networks I set up on the Heyzap Website.
default 18:31:12.722938 +0100 HeadlessD final HZHeyzapExchangeBannerAdapter - requestFailedWithError: Error Domain=com.heyzap.ads.exchange.banners Code=1 "(null)" UserInfo={error=no_fill}
default 18:31:13.449276 +0100 HeadlessD final None of the available banner adapters were able to fetch an ad. Ad networks we checked: []. Retrying in 8 seconds.