Dialog Extension assets.swf corrupted.


  • Posts: 1
Hi Guys,

So I was following the TheIndieStation's RPG Tutorial part 3 and I came across an assets.swf error being corrupted when I tried to run the game. Not sure what I did wrong because I went over the tutorial over and over. Would appreciate any help I could get!


  • Posts: 235
Try going into the following folder and deleting all the contents:

stencylworks\games-generated\GAME NAME\Export\flash

Dont worry your game logic and stuff is in the games folder so its still there but this will clear the cache of the previously generated (and corrupted) files and will start a fresh rebuild.
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 2
I've run into the same problem. Did you find a solution?