A Stencyl Wishlist


  • Posts: 251
Hey everyone!

With Christmas right around the corner, I decided to make this list of stuff I’d love to see come to Stencyl. I’m putting it under chit chat because most of the stuff here is either a huge feature or an outlandish idea.

Never Going to Happen List:
1. Ability to make 3D games: this would be a super cool feature to have and would probably make Stencyl one of the first non coding engines to support 3D (maybe? Idk).

It’s a Possibility:
1. LAN connections: Right now Stencyl isn’t the best engine for multiplayer oriented games and I think this would be a step towards adding more compatibility.
2. Split screen support/multiple cameras: I think this would be another great feature for creating more multiplayer oriented games.
3. Collaboration Features: I’m pretty sure I remembered reading that the thing that drove the Hollow Knight devs away from using Stencyl was the lack of collaboration features. I think I feature like this could possibly attract more indie groups.

This Would be Really Nice:
1. A less clunky background system: I feel as of right now that using backgrounds can be a nightmare, especially if you have a scene that’s more than one screen tall. I think it would be really helpful to be able to set the starting position of backgrounds.

Are there anythings you’d like to see in Stencyl?


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  • Posts: 2738
3D is a popular request, but I get the feeling its difficulty is often underestimated. Not only the engine would need to be updated, but also the toolset--scene designer, assets managers--pretty much everything except the visual programming language blocks. Stencyl would be starting over from Scratch.

I wouldn't say never gonna happen. mdotedot got pretty far with Away3D. As OpenFL matures, more new features will be practical--either as part of base Stencyl or as third party extensions.


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  • Posts: 731
Some sort of camera zoom. Even if just a zoom out from the original size - so that pixelation wasn't a problem. Would need all the associated blocks around touch, position, collisions etc. to still work with whatever camera FOV was set to.

Harder, but would love it, camera rotate block.


  • Posts: 2262
Some sort of camera zoom. Even if just a zoom out from the original size - so that pixelation wasn't a problem. Would need all the associated blocks around touch, position, collisions etc. to still work with whatever camera FOV was set to.

Harder, but would love it, camera rotate block.

+1 Should add it to the issue tracker.


  • *
  • Posts: 575
Some sort of camera zoom. Even if just a zoom out from the original size - so that pixelation wasn't a problem. Would need all the associated blocks around touch, position, collisions etc. to still work with whatever camera FOV was set to.

Harder, but would love it, camera rotate block.

Yeah a simple zoom in/out would be great.


  • Posts: 1617
Man!  Nobody gives this a shoutout haha... does that old one in the link above work?  Mine was close to finished... may need some help from the big guys here to fix a few bugs