Please consider my jukebox actor. It has 16 buttons with 3 states each (regular, hover, and active). Each button state is a frame. That's 48 frames total.
Which is better?
A) One actor with 48 frames.
B) 1 actor for the 10 song choices (30 frames), an actor for the 2 mute buttons (6 frames), and an actor for the 4 volume buttons (12 frames).
C) 1 actor for every button.
Does it even make a difference? I imagine all layers and actors get smooshed together to flatten the scene, every time the scene is drawn. If so, I can't imagine it making much of a difference, but I don't know. I guess I'm a little worried about several actors showing up in exactly the correct position for each device the game is played on. In this case the positioning would be fairly important.
Any thoughts?