(April fools) TRUE 3D IN STENCYL???


  • Posts: 251
i have done it, I have made a stencyl game in full 3D

« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 03:56:39 pm by NerdinaNutshell »


  • Posts: 235
Believe it or not there are some actual 3D games made with Stencyl. The use a lot of heavy math to make them work
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 251
Yeah I know. I was kinda hoping people would forget about away3D and raycasting for a second, the joke is pretty stupid otherwise lol.


  • Posts: 48
Dude, somebody just made 3D textures and used them to a 2D game -_-