LudumDare 46 (Keep it alive) : Is it a boy or a girl?


  • Posts: 1654
'It' is a boy or a girl ...

Since my publication for the Stencyl Jam went horribly wrong,
I will try to upload a small wip game to the LD site in order to test the game from that page.

Also, I started out making  a 3D asset instead of programming!
'Art' first ???  That is a first one for m.e.  ;D

Edit: all is well. You post URL on the LudumDare page. So I have full control over my own site and thus no problem loading OBJ files.

now to keep it alive

« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 02:09:37 pm by mdotedot »
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1654
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1654

Unfortunately I lost quite some time with a bad-block in my stencyl project. It took me a good 5 hours to recreate the block below the bad block without actually deactivating or deleting it to solve it.
Restarted Stencyl a couple of times and I frequently do a clean project. I did not revert back to a back-up. Maybe I should have.


* A lot of assets were made and I hopefully can incorporate them tomorrow.
* Need to get the Click on the objects working as well as a kind of end-less-runner thing
* Victory/Next level as well
* Hopefully some sound effects

Hmm.. some asset-residue in the gif .. well.. too bad

Part2 Link :

Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1654
There are so many things that didn't go as planned that I'm not going to make the COMPO.

I did enjoy the theme this time. Maybe I can do some more work tomorrow.

Only one level for now ...

« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 11:51:14 am by mdotedot »
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1654
Unfortunately my day-off was canceled due to problems at work, so I can't work on the Jam-entry anymore.

This is kind of a post-portem of the Ludum Dare 46 : it is not alive anymore

There were so many technical issues. The workflow for creating 3D games is still not up to par.

What wend wrong:
  • Hardware issues caused loss of time
  • Bad/corrupted Stencyl block caused loss of valuable time
  •   Dynamically creating houses : I lack basic calculation skills to pull this off   :(   
  • Removing unused 3D items
  • Switching to full screen still leaves 'white' canvas on some devices
  • (HTML5) Mobile detection + recalculations of the 3D space is a challenge
  • Problems at work required my attention

Removing unused 3D Items
When items where offscreen, the 3D asset needs to be removed.
Both in my game-logic and propably in the Away3D Extension this caused errors.
This requires far more time to investigate.

FullScreen on HTML5
Still parts of empty scene are shown.
Not sure if that is the cause of my larger display settings in Stencyl. Because I had a HTML5 extension that did full-screen.
On smaller-designed-screens this didn't caused any problems.
Needs investigations.

What wend well:
  • Theme was ok this time
  • TinkerCad
  • Local loading of OBJ files
  • Changing colors
  • Voice recording of my girlfriend : how nice to hear her shout out 'MY BABY'

Creating assets in TinkerCad is really fast. It doesn't make me a good designer, but it is fast! A better tool than my own drawing app, but it produces far more faces in 3D space. Not sure if some of the problems I had are made by the number of faces. I doubt it, but needs more testing.

We will see if I manage to get these things sorted out for the next Ludum Dare .............
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.