What have you realised after publishing your game on Android?


  • Posts: 223
How to prepare my app for Android? What have you realised after publishing to Android that you should've known before but no one had told you that? I know that I need to add ads, I don't know how but I will google that. Plus you need dev account on google play store or something, I don't know. What else should I take into account when preparing my app for Google store?

How can I test my game in iPhone system if I don't have an Apple device? Can I publish my game to Apple store if I don't own Apple product?


  • Posts: 1617
KEEP YOUR KEYSTORE! Back it up somewhere safe!...  Do not accidently overwrite it in stencyl with another one..  if you do.. select your back up again and use it...

If you lose your keystone... ... ...
You can NEVER update the game on Google play

Google play dev account is $25 one time fee.  Read all of their terms.. if you don't comply.. they will remove you permanently from Google play store
Ads are easy.  Stencyl handles most of it for you.
Pretty sure you need a mac... or use Mac in cloud to publish and test on iOS devices


  • Posts: 2262
KEEP YOUR KEYSTORE! Back it up somewhere safe!...

I stick important stuff like that on Google Keep, or Google Docs. Safe forever then.