getting reaquainted with stencyl


  • Posts: 164
Ive been away for a long time and have forgot most of what i knew about using stencyl. Im hoping to get back into it, but Im pretty rusty.

this is a small project im working on. its not much. just an isometric demo im using to  get familiar with things.  isometric movement with walking and running (zkey)

I dont really know what direction to go in from here. any suggestions or input would be welcome.

Ideally id like to collaborate with somebody one day, on something polished and focus on the pixel and art side of things.


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  • Posts: 2738
Demo looks good! What kind of game are you making?

I finished one isometric game with Gameboy-ish graphics. I'm working on a 2D sidescroller, then am planning to return to make a full-color isometric game.

My advice would be to think about if you want complex indoor environments, or outdoor. The math can get pretty intense if you want to stray far beyond a tile-based game. I wrote up a bunch of it in my isometric thread in the Journals forum.


  • Posts: 164
What kind of game am I making? I have no idea. something simple.

Im mostly going to focus on graphics...tiles, scenes and sprites. Im not very good at the behaviors, or I figure ill aim to make some interactive environments and useable animations.

I used to have a boat load of pixel art in isometric, that was on an old computer of mine, but it is mostly lost now.


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  • Posts: 2738
If you're looking for ideas along those lines, it would be neat to see an isometric perspective adventure game. I watched a review of 'Veil of Darkness' on YouTube earlier:

Something in that style would definitely be doable without most of the hassles that come with depth order resolution.