Dwarf Miner [WIP] [On Temporary Hiatus]


  • Posts: 127
Cool looking game. And I think the little gems are cute ;P



  • Posts: 31
I played it and was really nice! I loved the music and art btw!


  • Posts: 69
Just popping by to let everyone know I'm not dead.  However, as some may have suspected, Dwarf Miner is on a temporary hiatus.  I'm going to try to work on it again once Stencyl 3.0 comes out.  I started development on it when I was extremely new to Stencyl, and there are some things under the hood that I'm not happy with.  I'm considering starting the whole thing over from scratch with a clearer idea of what the game will be in mind.  Anyways, don't forget about Dwarf Miner just yet.  It's a pet project of mine that I definitely aim to finish.

While I haven't worked in Stencyl in a couple of months, the most recent thing I've done with Stencyl was starting work on yet another dwarven themed game.  It's simpler than Dwarf Miner in some ways and more complex in others. For those interested I've included a screenshot!

« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 01:51:57 am by tristonhopkins »


  • *
  • Posts: 2607
Ooh, that looks sweet. Like, a dwarven Oregon Trail?


  • Posts: 69
Ooh, that looks sweet. Like, a dwarven Oregon Trail?
Bingo.  :D


  • Posts: 69
Also I'm developing this one from scratch with mobile platforms in mind.  I can't afford iOS Pro or an Apple Developer license currently but I hope that if this other project ever is finished that it makes it's way onto mobile.  That would be my goal for Dwarf Miner as well, but I kind of detest platformers on touch devices. :/  I'd have to get it to work just right, else it'd be a waste of time porting it.


  • *
  • Posts: 2607
Sounds cool. I'd buy it!


  • Posts: 69

Dwarf Miner is back.. sort of.

I hit a lot of creative walls coming up with ways to expand upon the "playing as a dwarf with a pickax" concept, so it's now being absorbed into a new game.  Everything that made it awesome will remain, though.  You'll still have the opportunity to play as a dwarf with a pickax. ;)

I probably should mention that what you see above is just a mock-up, and I've obviously ditched the EGA palette.  Without saying too much, the new game is more or less action-adventure platformer puzzler.  I've started some little work here and there but I'm trying to keep things minimal until I get my hands on Stencyl v3.

And I guess it goes without saying the new game won't go by Dwarf Miner.

I'll try to keep those of you that would be interested up-to-date when I have something playable to show.  Thanks everyone for your interest!  It's what keeps me reassured I'm not just making a game for myself.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 06:39:13 pm by tristonhopkins »