Center the Actor, at center of screen


  • Posts: 6
I want to make my actor be at the center of the screen (not his x,y but the center of him), i thought it would be easy requiring simple math, however it doesn't work and i can't seem to find what i'm doing wrong.... -_-

I tried 2 ways of doing this, that worked in my head, but didn't work in action...


  • Posts: 6
nevermind... it was my mistake, i had to create him 1st, and set it later and not to set it during the creation event... sorry

« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 05:59:12 pm by Ultim0vsitachi »


  • Posts: 48
On the Actor's behaviors, create an when created event and put a show camera center to Actor (found on Scenes>View)