Unable to run demo games from stencyl forge


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  • Posts: 3
I am using Stencyl When I try to run demo games like Catapult and Jigsaw puzzle from Stencylforge the Adobe flash player gives an action script error #1132 Invalid JSON parse input. I had run the upgrade the game and continue during installation. Can someone tell me what needs to be done to fix this problem? I have attached the error log file.


  • Posts: 2262
StencylForge was discontinued. Everything there is very old (in computer years) and may not work with the latest versions of Stencyl.

Follow the crash course. If you run into more problems post on this forum or the discord server.


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  • Posts: 3
Ok...Thanks for the clarification!
Thankfully I am able to see and follow the code of these demo games which itself is a lot of help for a novice like me.
Yes I have done the crash course and am going through videos by Indie Station, Lense on life and other Stencyl tutorials.
These have been a tremendous help in boosting my confidence.
I will certainly post future problems that I encounter, on this forum. Thanks  :)