Gameplay footage from a mobile game for social media


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  • Posts: 28
Hi everybody

Does anyone have any tips for getting good gameplay footage from a mobile game and posting it to social media (Mac only)?

My current set up is to use the iPhones inbuilt screen record function edit the footage in iMovie and post it to twitter but the video quality is pretty poor and the colours aren't great (this could be twitter though). I've even converted the video to a gif but it still doesn't look as crisp as it does on the iPhone. I see people posting high quality gameplay footage and gifs to twitter all the time but I can't seem to crack it. Does anybody have any tips or can they share their workflow.

Thanks in advance



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  • Posts: 2738
Could you compile to desktop and use desktop screen recording software?


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  • Posts: 2891
Video on Twitter is notoriously harsh. They apply a lot of compression and I don't think they support 60fps anymore. I'm interested in seeing other people's workflows as well.

I use Screenflick to record gameplay footage on my Mac.


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  • Posts: 2738
Video on Twitter is notoriously harsh. They apply a lot of compression and I don't think they support 60fps anymore. I'm interested in seeing other people's workflows as well.

recordmydesktop is useful for anyone running on Linux. I don't think it is available for Mac, but if any Linux users find this thread, here you go.

To convert an .ogv video to a .gif, I pieced together a shell script from a couple different sources on StackExchange.

Code: [Select]


#Generate palette for better quality
ffmpeg -i $inputFile -vf fps=$FPS,scale=$WIDTH:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen tmp_palette.png

#Generate gif using palette
ffmpeg -i $inputFile -i tmp_palette.png -loop 0 -filter_complex "fps=$FPS,scale=$WIDTH:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" $outputFile.gif
rm tmp_palette.png


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  • Posts: 28
Thanks for the replies.

I think twitter video might have something to do with it so I'm going to concentrate on gifs going forward. I'm going to give ScreenFlick a try and see what happens. My main issue now is the game is designed to work on mobile and it still looks a little washed out on my desktop.  I'll try a few gif conversion routes and report back if I have any success.