Luyren's AI and Combat Pack is available now! It provides behaviors, which are configurable and reusable pieces of code, that enable your actors to attack, manage health and energy, customize any number of special skills and a robust AI system with which your actors can check for specific conditions in order to execute actions, both on their own and against enemies.
The pack comes in two versions:
- Luyren's Basic Combat Pack is the free version. It contains only basic melee and ranged attacks, health and energy management, 8 way movement, raycasting and only the Patrol behavior for AI.
- Luyren's AI and Combat Pack is the full paid version. Along with all the behaviors of the free version, you have the Command List behavior to configure any number of actions and control inputs for your actors, Get Enemy Actors, to allow actors to detect enemies within range, Action Manager to create a full hierarchy of actions the AI can perform, each with their own conditions, and several other AI behaviors.
Both versions come with sample games you can import into Stencyl, in which you can see how each actor is configured, as well as a comprehensive documentation file. Both versions support side-scroller and top-down games, including mouse and analog inputs for aiming and 8-way movement.
This is compatible with all my other resource packs, and the documentation includes instructions on how to update the behaviors with features from those resource packs, such as RPG elements, special effects and cutscenes.
Happy Sencyling!
I'm hard at work on a new resource back, focused on combat and combat AI. It allows you to create your own attacks, as well as customize the actions the enemies in your game will take. It's compatible with all my previous resource packs, and work for both platformer and top-down games.
As with the Cutscene Resource Pack, I'll be posting weekly on this thread talking about all the features, leading up to the release whenever that may be. For more constant updates, you can follow me on twitter or join Stencyl's Discord server.
Basic Combat
This pack will come in two version:
- Basic Combat: the free version, comes with Health, Energy, basic attack behaviors, aiming, 8 Way Movement, AI patrol and raycasting.
- Full Version: the paid version comes with all that, plus the Command List behavior, with which you customize conditions, input and events for special attcks, the Action Manager behavior to manage an hierarchy of actions your AI actors can take, as well as several other AI behaviors.
The basic combat works by creating a damager, an actor that will inflict the damage, for both ranged and melee attacks. You also set an
Identifier Friend or Foe for your actors, or IFF. Only actors with different IFFs can damage each other. This is used from simple player versus enemies to different factions battling each other. The attacks are compatible with my RPG Elements pack, so the inflicted damage can be based off of your actor's status and combat statistics.
Attacks also have priority numbers. The gist of it is that if you perform a sequence of attacks with increasing priority number, you can bypass the invincibility period after enemies are damaged.
You can configure the position of the damager based on the actor's facing and the direction the actor is aiming at. It also has support for mouse control, and for ranged attacks, you can fire projectiles towards the mouse.
For Health, you have several display options, you can customize invincibility effect and stun states upon taking damage and a sequence of events when an actor is defeated. You also have full control over damage calculation and can even create your own damage formulas. Energy works in a similar way, and you can have multiple energy types, each with their own current and maximum values and display settings. Both can also be tied to RPG Elements.
The 8 Way Movement behavior can be used both for basic movement in top-down games, for AI-controlled actors to set their animation depending on the direction they are moving, and for platformer actors to fly, with the option to set requirements and a time limit or energy cost. It also has an option to limit to 4 way movement.
And as with all my resources, everything is highly customizable: features that you don't have use for, such as aiming, damage invincibility or multiple energy types,can be ignored or configured out.