[IMPROVED] Leaderboard in Google Spreadsheet


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  • Posts: 1632
Based on the idea of

[HTML5] Leaderboard in Google Spreadsheet
By Gurigraphics


Sponsored by GameDev408

What's different ?
- It also works on desktop ( and maybe IOS and ANDROID)
- It supports more than the top 10 scores
- It supports multiple sheets. ( example a Weekly, Monthly and Alltime sheet)

Tips and Tricks

- Limit the number of rows in the spreadsheet

- Also have weekly, monthly  leaderboard

In the "Script Editor",

Go to "Edition" (Tool ?) -- Triggers from this project
Click on "Add a trigger" on the bottom left
Choose for the function
" RunEveryWeek'
Choose the source of the event
"hourly event"
then choose the weekly interval, etc .


« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 04:47:09 pm by yoplalala »


  • Posts: 1617
Sweet!  Ill give it a try when I get to leaderboards


  • Posts: 144
Is this Still working for IOS?

I dont understand, do i need to update the extension in some way? Where can i download it?

« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 05:12:42 am by LarsAsen »
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