New Game Protector


  • Posts: 3
Good morning and greetings to all.
I've finished a game made in super basic "Stencyl" just using the default options. And for the score I have used the move and drop function
It still needs to add sounds and much more.

What is the game about

It is a basic game, the thing is simpler than it seems. It's about eliminating all (hex) enemies AND surviving.
The game is in development. My apologies for that.
I will try to finish as quickly as possible.

Move with W, S, D, A.
Shoot with left click

Thanks and I hope you like it.
Your opinions are welcome to improve. thank you very much


  • *
  • Posts: 2807
Good start. You should make your bullet a sensor, and add code to kill itself when it hits an enemy or a tile. Your red tiles should probably have a different shape to indicate that they are deadly.

The enemies in your last stage should wait for a bit before following the player, as it's too abrupt and barely gives them enough type to assess the situtation.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 3
Many thanks.

The concept of the game is against the hexagons. Nothing more for that. But I'm going to change to make it look like enemies.

And about the final phase, too. I'm going to make a little smaller and slow down the enemy.
I'm seeing how to do what I tell you. Try to choose a different weapon or place weapons on the stage and pick up the weapon.

I will also make the enemies shoot bullets at the player and have more scenes.
Add a menu at the beginning of the game to start playing.

And why not, choose characters to play