Not saving, not running


  • Posts: 31
Having a bit of an issue with b10655. Attaching logs - any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


  • *
  • Posts: 2807
Can you be more specific? When are you encountering that error, and what were you doing when you got it?
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  • Posts: 31
Sure! When I try to save my game, I encounter this error, and when I try to run my game on a simple flash player mode I encounter this error. I'm not quite sure why....


  • Posts: 31
Here's what I've seemed to figure out...

It does just fine, except once I try and remove the background for a splash screen (change black to none in image below), I encounter the problem in the logs I've attached. It won't save, and it won't run. I actually don't want any splash screen here at all, since Apple requires a launch screen storyboard, but I can't quite figure out how to remove that as of yet.


  • *
  • Posts: 4716
It's very possible that I never tested with "none". That page may say splash screen, but what it actually creates is in fact a launch storyboard.
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  • Posts: 31
Oh, okay, that makes a lot of sense and solves quite a few of my troubles. Thanks again guys! I really appreciate it :)


  • Posts: 31
@justin @luyren In regards to this, one thing I'm noticing is that when I launch my app, there isn't a smooth transition between the launch screen and the opening screen of my app. It appears that there's the launch screen, then a flash of a black screen, and then my opening screen. Any suggestions?

Here are my logs!

« Last Edit: November 06, 2020, 05:25:36 pm by cgilbertson »