APK won't generate


  • Posts: 31
I'm trying to export an apk for my game, and yet I keep running into some sort of errors that I don't quite understand. Any suggestions? I'm attaching my logs.



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  • Posts: 2799
Code: [Select]
ERROR: /Users/[User Name]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/purchases/src/com/android/vending/billing/IInAppBillingService 2.aidl:46.1-10: IInAppBillingService should be declared in a file called com/android/vending/billing/IInAppBillingService.aidlAs far as I can tell that's your error. What to do about it is beyond me.
My Stencyl resources are available here: https://luyren.itch.io/
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 31
Thanks for the tip, Luyren! I'm not entirely sure what to do either, but that's helpful.
Any ideas, @Justin?
Thank you!


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  • Posts: 4716
The file name is current "IInAppBillingService 2.aidl". It's supposed to be "IInAppBillingService.aidl" (without the 2). I have no idea how that 2 got there.

Does it have a 2 in the original filename?

Code: [Select]
[Stencyl install]\plaf\haxe\extensions\purchases\dependencies\android\src\com\android\vending\billing\IInAppBillingService.aidl
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138
despite all my efforts I could never test on android, so I gave up :'(
I'm human


  • Posts: 31
@justin I just checked and there were 2 separate files for some reason. I tried deleting Stencyl and redownloading it and that seemed to help, but I'm still running into errors when I try and generate the apk. I'm not sure if it's for a different reason now or not though.


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  • Posts: 4716
Code: [Select]
[haxelib] [string/app_id] /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/ids 2.xml [string/app_id] /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/ids 3.xml [string/app_id] /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/ids.xml: Resource and asset merger: Duplicate resources
[haxelib] [string/app_id] /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/ids 2.xml [string/app_id] /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/ids 3.xml [string/app_id] /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/ids.xml: Resource and asset merger: Duplicate resources

The error is different, but it looks like the cause is very similar. Three duplicate files next to each other, 2 of which probably shouldn't exist.

In /Users/[username]/stencylworks/games-generated/RashyRabbit/Export/android/bin/deps/google/res/values/, it looks like there's id.xml, id 2.xml, and id 3.xml. I'm not sure if this is something that's possible depending on which engine extensions you're using. Do you have software on your computer that might be causing files to be duplicated with new sequentially numbered names like this?
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 31
Wow, good spot, @Justin. That's so weird.  What kind of software might cause that? I can't think of anything or any extension in particular. Is there a way to rid of them without going through each file manually?


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  • Posts: 4716
Maybe try searching through the files in the Stencyl install for files that have " 2.", " 3.", " 4.", etc. (a space followed by a number followed by a dot) in their name?

Here's a 2-liner that you can copy and paste directly into a terminal to find any such file.

Code: [Select]
cd "/Users/ChaseGilbertson 1 2/Desktop/Stencyl-b10658-mac"
find . -type f -regex '^.* [1-9]\..*$'
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)