Crypto Extencion (Encode in Base64,Basecode,Sha1,Sha224,Sha256,Md5,Crc32,Adler)

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138
Crypto Extencion

This extension encrypts in various formats easily (Base64, Base Code, Sha1, Sha224, Sha256, Md5, Crc32, Adler) Only basecode and base64 can be decrypted. The blocks are easy to use.
It's my first extension please be nice

I'm human


  • Posts: 376
Please provide more info on the blocks. I'm sure someone would want to use a custom character set for their encryption.

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138

This block encrypts a string and returns it in base64.
        "hello world" > "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ ="

This block decrypts a string that was in base64.
      "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ =">"hello world"

This block encrypts a string depending on how you configure it. The encryption alphabet has to be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 ... characters, they have to be different, the fewer characters you have, the more your encrypted string will be. So that the block is not complicated, I put some default ones


Decrypt what had been encrypted with basecode. it has to have the same encryption alphabet

All these encryptions can only be encrypted. They cannot be decrypted. They would serve if you have a game with username and password, when the account is created you encrypt the password and save it later when you put the password again you encrypt the one you just put and compare it with the saved one, if they are the same it is the same user

« Last Edit: March 20, 2021, 05:08:56 am by Max Marin »
I'm human


  • Posts: 376
Are all of these return blocks or action blocks? We need a demonstration.

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138

Here is an example of how to use them.

I made a simple game that can be hacked with cheat engine:
Then I add the encryption blocks and it can no longer be hacked.
I'm human

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138
I'm already working on version 2 with my own encryption that is unencryptable and with the blocks that you asked Mineat to put the characters you want in Basecode encryption
I'm human


  • Posts: 376
Well, that's good.  Do you use the un-encryptable blocks in if statements as if they return anything? I would love to use this extension in RPGs concerning text files.

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138
something like this
I'm human


  • Posts: 376
That's good, but I was talking about the permanently locked formats(Adler32, etc.).