My first Game with Stencyl "Roll Ball"


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  • Posts: 85
Hello everyone,
I've finished my first game. It's a balance game for Android. You only have one small task: the ball has to go into the hole.
I hope I haven't made too many mistakes.

Special thanks to Luyren for his help and his packs. These are really very helpful and save a lot of work!

Link to Play Store:
I mainly made the game to learn stencyl.

Kind regards,


  • Posts: 43
Hello my friend.
I have downloaded your game to try but unfortunately it crashes straight away .
After clicking it, black screen for a second then pops back to my phones menu.
My phone is a galaxy S21
I also tried it on my older S9 and it boots up to main menu but there is a big black square over the level selects (if that's what they are as the square is covering them lol)

Anyway just a heads up mate


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  • Posts: 85
Oh FCK, that should not happen.  :-[
A black square?? I have to unpublish it again and look for the error ...
I have to look for a device where I can see the error. But thanks for testing.


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  • Posts: 85
I found a device that shows the error...
But i have absolut no idea why this happen... :-\
A friend of mine tested it on his S20 and it works there without any problems


  • Posts: 43
I found a device that shows the error...
But i have absolut no idea why this happen... :-\
A friend of mine tested it on his S20 and it works there without any problems

Yeah thats what happens on my S9 that black square...
No idea why
and no idea why it wont work on my S21 at all... Unless for some reason Stencyl is not compatible with this newer device. Probably not but you never know.
Maybe someone with more knowledge can help out.



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  • Posts: 85
The update is online.  With my "problem device" everything works fine now!


  • Posts: 43
The update is online.  With my "problem device" everything works fine now!

I just downloaded it and unfortunately it still doesn't work on my S21
In fact it crashes and just goes back to the homes screen  :(
As you have seen I started a thread about this problem in the ask a question fourm and there are a few people seeing the same problem so hopefully the Devs can rectify this real soon.



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  • Posts: 85
Yes, I see your post.
I am sure that the Devs are working on that.


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  • Posts: 85
The app is updated with Justin's hints!  Now it should work in Android 11 as well.



  • Posts: 6
Can you post ur game to my mobile device from Amazon?  ??? ???