Pinball Clash - a two-player pinball game


  • *
  • Posts: 89
Hi folks, I'm finishing Pinball Clash, a fast-paced two-player pinball game:
It's a little game planned for release on a few HTML5 game distribution portals in May / June.
Would be cool if you could give it a go and let me know your thoughts!
Suggestions and criticism are highly welcome :)
I'm also collecting anonymised analytics on game difficulty (using the Google Spreadsheets extension).


  • *
  • Posts: 89
Hey, Pinball Clash got a Crazygames release today:
It'll be exclusive for 2 months, after which I'm planning to release on Gamedistribution and VK.
Please let me know here if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for the game.
Thanks folks!