Full Screen HTML5?


  • Posts: 129
There is some way to create fullscreen on the web, the idea is to be focused on the web and when you want full screen, hang on and take up the entire screen. and when you want the screen to be minimized.


  • Posts: 51
yes there is but that needs to be triggered by the website hosting the game , can be done by user clicking a button such as this website uses http://www.funintablet.com/ 
More info can be found here: https://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/7644-making-browser-fullscreen-solved/


  • Posts: 129

« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 08:30:19 pm by Apamaster »

Max Marin

  • Posts: 138
I'm human


  • Posts: 158
I think I know how to do this if you’re still interested…


  • Posts: 129
I think I know how to do this if you’re still interested…
yeap !!!


  • Posts: 158
The two screenshots should help:

Go to settings >> advanced >> openFL settings: Type in  <window resizable="true" if="html5" />

Then go to web >> scale mode >> scaleToFit(Fullscreen)

This has worked for my game here: https://www.crazygames.com/game/bad-soccer-manager


  • Posts: 129
so when I press the fullscreen button it should maximize everything.
It looks bad, the background of the game occupies the entire screen, but you only see the game in a rectangle. very rare.


  • Posts: 129
The solution was that it had a resolution in a behavior. My idea was that it would turn on a 1x scale and then when choosing fullscreen it would look fullscreen now I have to work with, what I did not achieve is that it can be scalable to the size of the screen, but now I have another problem in html5.