Network Installation


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  • Posts: 2478
Any updates on how things are going here?


  • Posts: 8
The teacher seems happy that it's working using my launcher script above , but he is still in the early stages :)



  • Posts: 1
Joe, any news on an MSI build yet?


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  • Posts: 2478
Joe, any news on an MSI build yet?

It's coming along! :) I need to get a testing environment set up, so I can verify remote installations. I will keep you posted.


  • Posts: 1
I'm having the same problem on Windows 7 on both a standalone PC and our network.  It's a shame, because this bug means I won't be able to install it for my students.  My guess is that Stencylworks was developed on the Macs and the PC version is a conversion, am I right?


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  • Posts: 2478
I'm having the same problem on Windows 7 on both a standalone PC and our network.  It's a shame, because this bug means I won't be able to install it for my students.  My guess is that Stencylworks was developed on the Macs and the PC version is a conversion, am I right?

What bug are you referring to? StencylWorks was developed as a cross-platform application and should work fine on standalone PCs; we just hadn't anticipated network installations being such a common request.

I'm happy to report that we'll be offering an MSI installer for network installations along with StencylWorks 2.0, expected in a few weeks.


  • Posts: 1
Dear Stencyl Team and Joe,
I am being asked to deploy StencylWorks out onto a network of 400 computers, We are a non-profit center with one of our main focus areas being Game Design, we really like the product but we are having some real challenges with a suitable install.

We have the following features:
Win 7 environment
Active Directory
Folder Rediretion
DFS Namespaces
Roaming Profiles

We have managed to do the prefs file changes as suggested but now it seems the software will not find the backslashes '\'  in the user profile location... so it looks something like \place.domainuserusernamehomedir   

My guys think it is a Java related issue coming from Mac which doesn't normally use backslashes in the same way?

What news on the MSI installer and Version 2.0??


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  • Posts: 2478
Nigel, thanks for reaching out. I'll respond to your email this evening.


  • Posts: 1
Hi Joe,

Is there any news on an MSI build yet? I've got an RM CC4 network consisting of approx 700 machines which I need to deploy to!



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  • Posts: 2478
Hey Matt,

It'll be coming in a couple of weeks as a part of a site license for our education launch. We're making a few more changes to Stencyl to support domain environments.