Just wondering about stencyl limitations


  • Posts: 2
Theres a game i play called Legends of Idleon, its made using stencyl and it has an annoying bug where the game goes completely white and doesnt receive input.

It seems like its probably a memory leak or something which is usually programmer error, but the dev has said its a limitation of stencyl, is this true or just passing of the blame?


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  • Posts: 2738
I've never ran into anything like that. I've pushed the engine pretty far, too.


  • Posts: 20
@merrak. Legends of Idleon is insane when you look at what the creator has done using stencyl :)


  • Posts: 2
oh yeh legends of idleon is impressive in a lot of areas, was just curious about this specific bug.


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  • Posts: 2738
I'd encourage the dev to join the Discord (or post to the forum) if they want to solve the problem. This sounds like it'd be hard to solve though--if it isn't easily reproduced.