E-Elementals - Out Now On Steam!


  • Posts: 39

E-Elementals is on Steam! I created the first version of this game back in 2019, and it was actually featured on the front page of Newgrounds for a short time. I've been busy with life since then but now I finally got a chance to release it on Steam.  This version has a lot of improvements in terms of UI and visuals.  This was my first game, so there are a lot things that could have been better, but most people that played it thought the story was good. My next game will have an even better story :D  ;)

Here is the link to the Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2072330/EElementals/

In E-Elementals you will play as E-Elemental 1k7. E-Elementals are advanced bots that are tasked with doing a variety of different tests and trials. Initially the tests seem normal, but 1k7 will quickly learn the truth behind them...