I am trying to compile for Android with Stencyl 4.1.0-beta.
Compilation fails and it generates some logs. It generates 3 sets of logs, which is a bit strange, but they all seem the same.
I attached the logs to this post.
What I tried:
- I tried switching to the current live version of Stencyl. Compilation works there, but I can't export to .aab (Google Play no longer accepts .apk files)
- I tried tweaking with Downloading Android Tools and switching up versions of SDK's but they always yield the same result
- I tried reinstalling Stencyl and reimporting the game (export > delete current > import back)
- I tried cleaning up the project from Tools > Game
- I tried deleting the cache of the game
What the logs say:
- I found some errors. Here is what they say:
2022-10-12 19:03:46,091 DEBUG [pool-1-thread-1] stencyl.core.lib.io.read.SceneReader: Reading header for Scene: 4 (TownScene) from: scenes\4.xml
2022-10-12 19:03:46,102 ERROR [pool-1-thread-1] stencyl.core.lib.io.read.SceneReader: Actor "GateActor 1" does not refrence an Actor Type: id = 46
2022-10-12 19:03:46,102 ERROR [pool-1-thread-1] stencyl.core.lib.io.read.SceneReader: Could not load actor. Likely an Actor Type that no longer exists.
- The problem here is that GateActor 1 does not exist in the scene. My TownScene as it is called has 0 actors in it. All my actors are generated through code.
- Moreover, I took a look inside scenes\4.xml as it says in the logs and it contains nothing of that sort. Here is the entire content of 4.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<scene depth="14" desc="" eventsnippetid="45" extheight="384" extwidth="1504" extx="-32" exty="-32" format="4.0.1" gravx="-0.0" gravy="0.0" height="320" id="4" name="TownScene" revision="" savecount="0" tiled="1" tileh="32" tilew="32" type="standard" width="1440">
<color-bg blue="255" green="255" red="255"/>
<background blendMode="normal" customScrollFactor="false" id="1" locked="true" name="TownSceneTemporaryBG" opacity="100" order="14" rid="36" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="100,168,234" id="14" locked="false" name="Town" opacity="100" order="13" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="100,168,234" id="0" locked="false" name="NPCs" opacity="100" order="12" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,175,175" id="5" locked="false" name="PlayerCharacters" opacity="100" order="11" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="0,255,0" id="2" locked="false" name="UI" opacity="100" order="10" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="0,0,255" id="7" locked="false" name="CharacterUI" opacity="100" order="9" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,0,0" id="8" locked="false" name="CharacterModel" opacity="100" order="8" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,200,0" id="6" locked="false" name="CharacterUIIcons" opacity="100" order="7" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,255,0" id="9" locked="false" name="CharacterUIBars" opacity="100" order="6" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="0,255,0" id="10" locked="false" name="CharacterUIBarsOverlay" opacity="100" order="5" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,0,255" id="12" locked="false" name="CharacterUIStatBackgrounds" opacity="100" order="4" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="64,64,64" id="11" locked="false" name="CharacterUIStatBonus" opacity="100" order="3" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="64,64,64" id="3" locked="false" name="Inventory" opacity="100" order="2" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,0,255" id="4" locked="false" name="ItemPopup" opacity="100" order="1" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<layer blendMode="normal" color="255,175,175" id="13" locked="false" name="ItemPopupStatBackgrounds" opacity="100" order="0" scrollFactorX="1.0" scrollFactorY="1.0" visible="true"/>
<atlases members="" retainAtlases="false"/>
Can anyone help? I am at a loss, I don't know what else to try or why it fails to compile on 4.1.0-beta.