I have no idea if this has come up previously, so I'm apologizing beforehand if this is a repeat thread.
People are going to want to make fangames. And a good chunk of folks who aren't going to be making fangames will want to be using resources from existing games (sprites, music, sound effects, edited sprites).
How will Stencyl handle allowing/disallowing game creators to monetize their games and keep track of whether existing content is in use in their games or not?
Kongregate is one side of the spectrum, where ALL GAME CONTENT MUST BE ORIGINAL (which makes sense in their case because ALL of the games uploaded there are earning $$$ for the user). This is much easier for them to moderate because they are a large company that probably has employees whose job it is to sniff out incorrect use of existing game content, and their large player base means offenders get reported when anything of the nature does slip through.
YoYo Games is the other side of the spectrum, with LOL ANYTHING GOES, GO WILD. (I haven't visited YoYo Games in a while and I have no idea if they offer any kind of payment to their uploaders...)
But anyway
So like
Fangames? \(._. )/