Black box appears when I draw text


  • Posts: 7
When I test game it works well for a bit, the text appears fine, but then it suddenly turns into a big black box. Im using windows and I test on HTML5.  Please help me I would really appreciate it.


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  • Posts: 40
Attach your blocks that used to display the text please.


  • Posts: 7
this is the screenshot of the blocks and what happens


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  • Posts: 40
What layers does a scene have?

You should add a "Drawing layer" block before the "Draw text" block.
And try adding a top tile layer in your scene with name HUD (for example) and use it to drawing text.
I've attached a screenshot.


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  • Posts: 40
And attach a screenshot with your font please.


  • Posts: 7
I've tried what you asked me to do, but unfortunately it still didnt work

heres the screenshot of the font i use and what i did

thanks for using you time to help me btw  :)


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  • Posts: 40
Did you try another font? For example, default font in Stencyl?


  • Posts: 7
yes, i've tried three different fonts


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  • Posts: 40
Are you using Stencyl version 4.0.4?
I'm just working in Stencyl 4.1.0-beta and I don't have such a problem.


  • Posts: 7
yes i am, is that the cause?


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  • Posts: 40
May be, I don't know.
Try ask your question in Stencyl's discord channel:


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  • Posts: 40
You can try to create a blank game with one scene and check the text drawing in it.
If the text doesn't display, then the problem is in the version 4.0.4 of Stencyl. Otherwise, there is a bug in your game.


  • Posts: 7
alright, thank youu