Jetpack Physics or something


  • Posts: 25
So, I'm making a game that features flying and jetpacks.
I have no idea how to make this kind of script so, can someone make one for me?


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Greg did this not too long ago and should be able to put this pack back up.


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  • Posts: 1259
I just uploaded a Game to Forge called "JnR AddOn - Jetpack Demo".  Feel free to take a look at this to see how I implemented it.

I'm not completely comfortable putting it up as a resource pack until I've gone through and fixed some things up.  I'll try to get to that soon.


  • Posts: 25
Ooooh, I agree with Bishop. Those seem interesting to be in my game. ;v;


  • Posts: 1243
I remember all of those behaviors were in one game, so possibly all would be there.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
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