How to Launch Stencyl properly


  • Posts: 5
Hello folks, I tried to use Java for Stencyl 4.1.3, All it does it does it completes Java, But the engine: Stencyl won't run & I wonder how it works properly, Let me know how it works & How it's done please, So I can get access to it to make my games, Thank you so much, Very much appreciated.


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  • Posts: 4716
Can you post the most recent log file from the following folder?

Code: [Select]

You can paste that into Windows Explorer and it should open the Stencyl logs folder.

If there are no files there corresponding to your attempt to launch Stencyl, try this instead:

Open Stencyl-windows.bat in a text editor and add this line to the top of the script:

Code: [Select]

Then try launching Stencyl again. When it fails, it should hopefully keep the terminal open so you can copy the output here.
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  • Posts: 5
I was using the Mac version, Not the Windows version. I tried using Xcode, But it failed to download, I wonder why, I can try on the Windows version sometime, But I can't find the log to put it into the ask question for Stencyl. I don't know if the Xcode is compatible for the Mac that I am using. I'll give it a try on windows, Thanks for the help Justin.