Linux or Skill Issue?


  • Posts: 15
I'm back from an extended sabbatical from learning how to use Stencyl, so starting over at the tutorials. [Because I have the memory and recall of a concussed whelk] But also because I've switched operating systems to Linux Mint Cinnamon.

The issues:

* Can't launch without going into the Launcher folder and using the "run" option on the "Stencyl-linux" file
* Followed the instructions as far as Part 5 of Crash Course 1, but the "test game" part does not work:
-- get an error concerning lines of the pre-made code ["Jumping" and "Stompable" behaviours. Both in line 83 of each. Columns 6-11 in Jumping and 4-9 in Stompable]
-- If I remove the code, the game window just flat out does not appear

I honestly don't know if this is a bug or something daft I've done. And I don't know how to find the logs to attach them.

Thanks for your help on this.


  • *
  • Posts: 2807
I recommend you hop on the discors server (link here:,48592.0.html). merrak is a regular there and knows linux stuff, plus it is more active than the forums.

Specifically for your code, you can hit "preview code", look for lines 83, find the block equivalent and see if something is wrong with that or provide a screenshot.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.