Image Chooser hangs (Linux)


  • Posts: 2

I've just installed Stencyl 4.1.0 on a Debian 12 using Mate as window manager.
Everything works like a charm, except for one thing: creating a Background, doing "Add A Frame", the whole GUI is locked after I click "Choose Image...".  In this situation, the only way out is "kill -9".  No runaway CPU consumption, so no obvious candidate for a "crazy thread".
An strace of the java process shows that the enumeration of the files in the $HOME directory has been completed quickly, so it is *not* due to a huge directory with thousands of images. But I can't seem to grok which thread is waiting for what, and the file chooser never appears...

If anybody has encoutered this, please step forth.

Thanks in advance,



  • *
  • Posts: 2807
Update Stencyl and report back, generating and posting your logs if it happens again. The current public version is 4.1.4, not 4.1.0.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 2
Thank you for your reply. Just upgraded to 4.1.4, same result.
I have created an issue in the IssueTracker: