Pre-Ship (Bundle) all the most important behaviors


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
We plan to pre-ship about 50 of the most important behaviors with every copy of StencylWorks starting with 2.0.

This will deliver a number of benefits.

1) You don't have to search for them on Forge.
2) They're guaranteed to work.
3) They're the "official" copies.
4) They're all there for you to browse. You're less likely to reinvent the wheel.

When this is done, these behaviors won't even need to be part of your game to be imported - they'll be listed alongside the ones in your game, separately but in the same window.

Agree with the choices? Want to see particular ones we missed? Let us know.

(Edit: I've struck some out that based on Forge downloads, aren't popular enough to bundle)


(Ones with a * are second tier in priority and may arrive later than 2.0.)


2 Way Motion
4 Way Motion
8 Way Motion
Asteroids Motion
Grid-Based Motion*
Isometric Motion*

Move Towards Mouse
Face the Mouse

Simple Jump & Run Controller

Fire Weapon (with bullet limiter built in)
Shoot Around Clock


Circular Motion
Wave Motion*
Back and Forth
Bounce (off wall)

Follow Target
Follow Path

Face Direction of Motion

Don't Exit Screen
Wrap Around Screen

Random Start Velocity
Random Turning Speed

Rules / Mechanics

Simple Score System (based on Greg's Enhanced Pack)
Simple Save/Load

Health (based on Greg's enhanced system)
Health Bar

Die After Time (with option to recycle)
Die On Leaving Screen (with option to recycle)

Die on Collision (with option to recycle)
Die on Collision with Type (with option to recycle)
Die on Collision with Group (with option to recycle)


Button (Three State Button)
Simple Dialog

Grow on Mouse Over
Die on Click

(Later on, we'll add more GUI components made purely in our system on an as-needed basis.)

GUI / Eye Candy

Intro Title
Simple Minimap

Fade After Time

Explode on Death
Explode into pieces (Cole's version)

Flicker on Collision


Label for iOS
On Screen Button

Touch to Pan Screen

Game Center Helper
IAP Helper

Game Flow

Camera Follow
Grid Camera Follow

Background Music

Simple Scene Switcher
Full Scene Switcher (Greg's version)

Die in Pit and Reload
Reload Scene on Death

Click or Press to Continue

Player Position Controller (a utility to set and place the player at the right spots between scenes, such as in a Zelda game, using game attributes and some blocks)


Game Debugger
Draw Terrain

Video Player
Social Media Helper
Donation (adds a "donate" feature to games)

Constrain (Number) Attribute

Hide Mouse Cursor (Note: This is should be a block instead!)

(Behaviors I need to study and see how they fit in) ??????

Layer Manager (what does this do?)
Parallax Scrolling Movement

« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 10:15:45 pm by Jon »


  • *
  • Posts: 51
Hi Jon, can you include wave motion too? Speed toward direction & wave width can be adjustable.


  • *
  • Posts: 2607
One of the "Drag Actor" behaviors. There may be better ones, but I know mine accounts for the offset and the camera.


  • *
  • Posts: 3127
I uploaded two variations of the "Simple Minimap". The behavior are "Actor Type Minimap" and "Screen Minimap". They also use the Tile API show tiles if the target platform is Flash.

I'm referring them because users seem to like the initial take and they add more functionality.
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 15
Is there any functionality for zooming the camera in that list, like in the cutscene pack? That seems fairly useful. Sorry if I missed something.


  • *
  • Posts: 605
Maybe a great sound system ? where we can change all the param using only one behavior ? Volume, sound choice, loop or not, channel, ambiant music, etc.

A way to concentrate all the sounds and use messaging to use it.


  • *
  • Posts: 20
- Something for internationalization (i18n) like use text or xml resourses=
- Control rotation of an actor when is in the air (lots of physics games use this type of control)
- Performance analyzer
Apps for iOS, Android and Web. Game Art and Music.
The company's mantra is "Passion, Love and Creativity" developing apps that uplift, educate and inspire.


  • Posts: 8
I just returned to Stencyl after forgetting about it in order to focus on my exams about half a year ago, and I find this thread, mentioning '8 Way Movement', the same name as the logic code I dev-ed last year...

Surely it isn't mine that's being bundled? If so, WOW, I'm very humbled. If not, hehe, that's fine.

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, I'm just quite excited...


  • Posts: 430
I just returned to Stencyl after forgetting about it in order to focus on my exams about half a year ago, and I find this thread, mentioning '8 Way Movement', the same name as the logic code I dev-ed last year...

Surely it isn't mine that's being bundled? If so, WOW, I'm very humbled. If not, hehe, that's fine.

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, I'm just quite excited...
I'd assume it's yours because yours is featured on stencylforge.


  • Posts: 8
I'd assume it's yours because yours is featured on stencylforge.

Yes, I'd have thought so too, I was just worried that they'd sneakily made their own official version over this past few months that I wasn't aware of, haha.
That's pretty cool, that code was the first (and only, so far) thing I've ever programmed. Awesome to see it taking off.


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
I'm wondering, with the new Event system, aren't behaviors like Do on Mouse Click, Do on Key Press and Do Periodically going to be kind of obsolete?

One other thing: I think Draw Terrain has a bug (it throws an error message about accessing a null property)


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Yeah, in light of events, some of these will be struck out and made obsolete.

With regards to another question, we'll standardize all behaviors, so they are are consistent in their presentation, configurability and will sometimes be redone if necessary.


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
I've updated the list after noodling about this myself a bit this afternoon. I think it's most of the way there.


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Pre-Shipped behaviors are imported like this. It works exactly as you'd expect it would.

kid clementina

  • Posts: 153
This is a great idea,  in fact, I don't understand why it isn't already in place.

The only thing I would recommend is a few more platformer behaviors - people love building platformers, it's one of the first things a new stencyl user may want to build. They also can be built on to make more interesting games, like brawlers, beat 'em ups, fighters, even side scrolling rpgs.

The problem is the basic crash course kit is far too simple, and the "Extended" pack has outlived it's usefulness - it's kinda a mess in there, and on top of that it uses a bunch of AS3 - not iOS compatible.