Hi! I'm new to this thread.

It seems that there are a lot of requests, but I'm not sure if progress is being made. Fortunately, I'm working on the Interactive Stencyl Textbook and I think it should include a chapter about creating your own behaviors.
I'm still working through the basic parts of the book, but I should be at the advance stuff soon. I'm thinking that I could probably do a basic point-and-click tutorial, as that was covered in my last textbook.
The problem is that it's not enough for a character to just walk to a point. What happens if it bumps into a wall? That part is tricky.
If I have trouble with that, I'll probably pick something simpler.

Anyway, I'm just posting up so I can easily find this thread again later. I didn't get to read all of it yet. If a behavior is highly requested, but no one is working on it, maybe I could make the behavior.