Gravity is not working


  • Posts: 161
Hi I was playing around and I made this dinosaur that walks right by its self. I place it above the tiles and it does not drop down onto the tiles


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  • Posts: 1259
When you created your new scene, did you specify the downward gravity?  Does gravity apply to your Actor (in the Actor creator)?  Those are the first 2 things to check.

Miasmos Games

  • Posts: 878
Ok, you'll need two things active for it to work, the first is that in the actor's physics settings, the actor must be set to NOT have physics disabled (Advanced Tab, first option) and that in the 'General' tab the actor is set to be allowed to be affected by gravity, and that it's 'type' is set to normal. The second thing is to check the scene it's in, is there actually any gravity in it? Go to the Physics tab (think it's called that) and check that there is some amount of gravity in any one direction.
Here's this post as a short list:
Physics Page For The Actor:
  • Actor is normal
  • Actor is affected by gravity
  • Actor physics is NOT disabled
Physics Page For The Scene
  • There is some amount of gravity
EDIT: Ninja'd!

Cupcake Bounce


  • Posts: 161
I have set the gravity to 100 on the scene and turned it on the dinosaur but he still wont fall down the gaps in the tiles. I also did all the other stuff.


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  • Posts: 1259
This is a complete guess, but it could be that the collision shape of your Actor is larger than the gap you're trying to fall down. 

You can verify this by turning on debug drawing -- search for that block and add it anywhere in any behavior.


  • Posts: 161
How do i turn on debug drawing. Also the gap is big enough as I place the dinosaur above the tiles and he does not fall onto them. Do you think It could be as I have him moving right all the time.


  • Posts: 161
I got it working now thanks.


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  • Posts: 2478
I got it working now thanks.

Can you share your solution? It might help others with similar problems.


  • Posts: 161
For some reason it would not save properly. When I clicked save nothing would happen so I kept trying and it worked.


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  • Posts: 2478
Your logs (Debug > Generate Logs) would likely provide some insight into the problem.


  • Posts: 1
I had the same problem when creating a new game from scratch. The problem resolved itself when i saved the game using File\Save instead of the using the large save button.


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  • Posts: 2478
I had the same problem when creating a new game from scratch. The problem resolved itself when i saved the game using File\Save instead of the using the large save button.

Is this a reproducible problem and solution for you?