"Game" could not be installed at this time.


  • Posts: 24
I can't install the game with the links provided (I'm on Windows) for adhoc or app store via my phone or from iTunes. I just get 'could not be installed at this time' or 'failed to install.'


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
This error is almost always because you provided the App Store profile, versus the Ad Hoc profile.

There's a bug in 1.3.4 (fixed in 1.4) where the app would always take the App Store profile field. You can work around this by filling in the Ad Hoc for both, or by grabbing 1.4 instead.

I've added this scenario to the Testing on Device Page towards the bottom.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 08:11:44 pm by Jon »