

  • Posts: 161
Hi I have a dinosaur that continuly runs right and I want to make it then when you press the space bar it jumps I tried using the jumping behavior from the crash course but it would not jump very high even if I put the jump force to 10000. I thought it must be because the dinosaur is continully running right. So I then tried making my own but that wont work can anyone help me? I posted pictures of the behaviours!


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  • Posts: 1259
Is the gravity set too high?  Or is the mass of the Actor too great?

I'd try tweaking those as well as the jump force to see what impact they have.


  • Posts: 161
Thanks for the reply I decieded to use the crah course jumping behaviour. But when I press the jump button he just goes miles into the air and does not come back down also I can jump while in the air.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 10:35:46 am by 00george »


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  • Posts: 2478
For your Behavior above, change "is down" to "was pressed." Otherwise you're probably applying that force many times during the course of a single keypress.

If you use the Crash Course Behavior along with Mambo from the Crash Course, does it work then? If so, you'll want to adjust the physics settings for your own Actor accordingly.


  • Posts: 161
Hi im really sorry but I have not been able to get the crash course jumping working so I made my own again which works but there is lots that need improving with it can you help me? so far all I got is if the space bar is pressed push upwards what else can i add to make it better?


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  • Posts: 2478
Have you considered customizing the Jump 'n' Run kit to meet your needs? It's got a lot of functionality baked in (like double-jumping and wall jumping).

If you would like to work on your own Behavior, I'd recommend completing the full Crash Course and Introduction to Design Mode tutorials first. Then check out some of the video tutorials on StencylTV and the articles in Stencylpedia.