Super BellyBoarder Alpha - iStencyl Holiday Game Jam


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  • Posts: 605
The update has been sent since 4 days... Still in "waiting for review" ...


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  • Posts: 17524
It sometimes takes a week.


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  • Posts: 605
Ok, the update is ok ! Hope it solve all the problems, tell me!

Here is the new description :

A few days from the launch of the largest endurance race in hostile territory, Super Belly Boarder, the famous Piwi gliding champion has lost his most precious belonging, his Xtrem Razor 57 sled, in a knuckle-bones game against Jean-Hughes, the fearsome walrus !

The time has now come for the race, and Piwi has to participate with nothing but the power of his legs... Take control of this natural born competitor, tie your shoelaces, and prepare to run as far and as fast as possible so as to accumulate a maximum amount of points, and of course to defend your baffled honor !

Super Belly Boarder is an endless platformer game with dynamically generated levels, to maximize the fun ! Avoid Obstacles, clear large holes, and watch out for fearless monsters who want nothing but to stop you ! Become the fittest runner in the competition's history !

Take advantage of beautiful graphics specifically made for the Retina Display and of our ultra-intuitive gameplay: A hands on experience for immediate enjoyment !

All you need to dive head first in this musical and graphical experience is to Jump, Double Jump and slide !

The longer you run, the faster you will run, so focus... and stay well focused !

Share your top scores with your friends on Game Center and be the first to unlock all the achievements !

To come:

- Universal Ipad support
- New achievements
- New characters with a whole new physics
- New worlds
- New monsters

So, what are you waiting for ?


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  • Posts: 212
Aasimar, the game crashes when I press the start button.

Using iOS 5.0.1
iPod Touch 4th gen.


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  • Posts: 605
Yep, I have added this in the description of the game in iTunes.
I search a solution, the problem is only on the Touch 4 (Retina + 256mb of ram, I think it's the problem).

I think it can be cool if we could deactivate the x2 on some device :,6906.0.html

I'll try to re-re-optimize the game but it's really hard, with the game itself + gamecenter, the RAM is really just on this device.

If you are ok, maybe you can test the future version via Testflight with this device ? I'm on it, I think it can be good this week-end, could help a lot, I haven't this device and it's not really used in France.


  • Posts: 157

thanks :) will try soon.