Recipe Sharing Thread

I don't know about you guys buy I love to cook & critique food. So I thought we should have a recipe sharing thread. Basically someone posts a recipe, I make it. And tell them how it is! I might also post pictures of the food before I eat it. Also, this month i'm requesting cake recipes above the others because I need to make a birthday cake and it would be nice to have a great cake made by stencylers!


  • Posts: 1118
put pudding in the cake! :P it adds moisture and makes it taste oh so delicious. Otherwise, I don't really have a specific recipe. Though, I should find my dads pot-pie recipe and show it, omg is it delicious.
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  • Posts: 1118
Here I'll attach the recipe as it is in .jpg format. My dad scanned it to me :P
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  • Posts: 1118
Yeah, no problem! We make 2 of them at a time at my house, since there is 4 of us. Then we each eat 1/4 of a pie, sometimes more. But, if you like chicken pot-pie you should like this, its good.

Edit: feel free to get a frozen bag of mixed peas and carrots, it works well as a substitute, though only about 1/2 bag should be used per pie.
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  • Posts: 1118
yeah that should be fine, we actually just cut up a whole onion in lieu of that, just bc we always have those.
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  • Posts: 1118
Yeah, half would be best. I actually don't think we even use a whole onion, but we definitely don't use pearls.
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  • Posts: 12
There was this great chocolate cake recipe I once used where making the icing involved whisking the mixture in a bowl submerged in an ice bath.

I'll try and find it tomorrow, because right now I have no clue where it is.


  • Posts: 1118
I'm excited to see what you think of it!  It is quite a basic recipe, but sometimes the most basic are the best.
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  • *
  • Posts: 2891
I'm excited to see what you think of it!  It is quite a basic recipe, but sometimes the most basic are the best.

Actually it's not. Your suppose to use cream of chicken soup instead of poultry seasoning. It's unheard of to use that stuff in a pot pie. It should have a great chicken flavor though. ;)
Uh, the third recipe on Google for "chicken pot pie" calls for cream of chicken soup.


  • *
  • Posts: 2891
I'm excited to see what you think of it!  It is quite a basic recipe, but sometimes the most basic are the best.

Actually it's not. Your suppose to use cream of chicken soup instead of poultry seasoning. It's unheard of to use that stuff in a pot pie. It should have a great chicken flavor though. ;)
Uh, the third recipe on Google for "chicken pot pie" calls for cream of chicken soup.

Like I said, seldom do you use poultry seasoning for anything but seasoning raw chicken.
It sounded like you were saying that cream of chicken soup is unheard of in pot pie and that you're supposed to use it in that recipe.


  • *
  • Posts: 2891
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.


  • Posts: 1118
Hahah! Well, I am absolutely glad you enjoyed it! Once you have made it a few times, the prep/cook time would drop quite a bit. In fact, I think it takes us about 45 minutes from start to finish, and that is with making 2 pies.

The recipe does allow for some deviation, so if certain parts need to be modified (like smaller chicken pieces) then it would not impact the recipe at all.

Anyway, I will be sure to let my dad know that you liked the pot pie, I'm sure he would be thrilled to hear it. Thanks for your critique, I hope others try it and like it too!
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
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