For the enemies' "Chase Player" behavior, I'd recommend the following since you're only ever likely to have 1 player at a time.Create an attribute of the type Actor. Name it "Player" or something similar.Under "When Created", drop in the wrapper block "For Each Actor Of Type" and select your player's actor type in its selection box.Inside that wrapper block, put the attribute setter block for "Set Player To" and put the "The Actor" block (from the same section of the palette as the wrapper block itself) as the actor to set the attribute to.What'll happen is whenever an enemy using this behavior is created, it'll check the entire scene for all the actors of your player type and assign the one that it finds (or the LAST one that it finds, in case of multiple) to the "Player" attribute. Once you have done that, at any other point in time (such as during gameplay) you can get the Player attribute's location information via all the other Actor blocks such as the X and Y that you need by telling it to use the Player attribute instead of the default of "Self".I'd give you an example but I'm afraid I don't have access to SW here at work right now. At one point I had created a simple example behavior for someone that did exactly this (Enemy Chases Player) that was on Forge, but it may have been lost in the transition to launch.