Are sprites that are shared between two actors duplicated? (ANSWERED)


  • Posts: 65
Hello there,

Given I have two different actors (like turtle and flying turtle enemies) who use the exact same spritesheet, when I create both actors and set their animations to this spritesheet, is it being duplicated?

like, does stencylworks detects the use of the same spritesheet for the two actors or does it duplicate the file?

I was planning having many actors with totally different behaviors who use exactly the same animation spritesheet.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 12:28:51 pm by docskull »


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  • Posts: 2607
When you import an image for an actor, tileset, background, or whatever, StencylWorks creates a copy of that file in the game's directory. The original file is not used again. So, this means each actor has their own copy of the image. Altering it for one won't affect it for the others.


  • Posts: 65
hmmmm thanks... but anyway then I am not being economic on resources by using the same spritesheet for many different actors, right? (given it will save a different version for each actor)


  • *
  • Posts: 2607
Correct. Note that I have to experience with iStencyl, so it could work differently for iOS.


  • Posts: 65
Thanks a lot Cole. :)