Game Jam ResultsSummer Game Jam The PremiseNow that Stencyl's launched, give us your best shot and make a complete game. There's no theme and no restrictions.
It just has to be a complete game (title screen, instructions, ending screen and the game itself at a bare minimum). You can work with as many or as few people as you'd like. We've run almost 10 jams and have found that more people past 2 rarely leads to a better outcome.
How to SubmitPublish your game to and post a link to your game and a 1-2 sentence description
as a reply to this topic.
JudgingGames will be judged holistically. We'll look at the entire package and assign a rating of 1-10 in .5 increments. Each entry will receive a writeup from each judge.
The judges are Almyki, Hectate and Irock. In addition, I will review the results and provide my feedback and rating on some of the entries, but I will not formally be judging this jam.
EndsJune 30th @ 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)
Prizes$100 for 1st Place
$50 for 2nd Place
$20 for 3rd Place
Prizes are given out as gift cards.
Ineligible PeopleThose who are part of the Community Team or are tagged as Master Stencylers may not formally enter out of fairness to the public.
Everybody else may participate.
Other TermsJon and the Stencyl Team may change the contest terms at any time for any reason. When we do this, we'll post a reply to this topic, and the change, like any edit will be timestamped.
If the turnout of legitimate games is lower than a certain threshold around the end of the period, we will either cancel the contest or alter the duration. The threshold is 10 unique submissions (unique meaning from a different person - the same person submitting 10 times does not count!)