I just discovered Stencyl about two weeks ago and am really working on my submission down to the last minute. I still need to basically create the boss, add in music* and sound effects, and feel the compulsion to basically redo all the graphics and tilesets.
With that in mind, when exactly does a submission have to be in to be counted in this contest? (and what time zone?)
*Also, after trying to work with LMMS and other music creators, I have come to the conclusion that the combination of swiftly approaching deadline and my lack of musical ability mean that I'll have to use music from the Forge. On that note, how should we best provide credit for the creators of any music we use? I've seen a few games with comments by KungFuFurby noting the lack of credit for the use of his music. Also, is there anywhere other than the Forge we are allowed to get music from - does it have to be under a certain type of copyright or something of that ilk?
Edit: OK, I just read the original post for about the eighth time and apparently up until now have missed the fact that the answer to my question is right there. So just the music thing.