Summer Game Jam (Ends June 30th - Win $100!) [ENDED]


  • Posts: 12
My entry:

It's an asteroids game with an explorable map and four kinds of enemies. Collect gems and bring them back to the planets to score points. The more you bring back at once, the higher the bonus points. However, the more gems you carry at a time, the more the pirates come after you so be careful... it can get fast-paced and dangerous pretty quickly.

Please give it a try, let me know what you think!


  • Posts: 39
I just discovered Stencyl about two weeks ago and am really working on my submission down to the last minute.  I still need to basically create the boss, add in music* and sound effects, and feel the compulsion to basically redo all the graphics and tilesets.

With that in mind, when exactly does a submission have to be in to be counted in this contest? (and what time zone?)

*Also, after trying to work with LMMS and other music creators, I have come to the conclusion that the combination of swiftly approaching deadline and my lack of musical ability mean that I'll have to use music from the Forge.  On that note, how should we best provide credit for the creators of any music we use?  I've seen a few games with comments by KungFuFurby noting the lack of credit for the use of his music.  Also, is there anywhere other than the Forge we are allowed to get music from - does it have to be under a certain type of copyright or something of that ilk?

Edit: OK, I just read the original post for about the eighth time and apparently up until now have missed the fact that the answer to my question is right there.  So just the music thing.


  • Posts: 96
Here's my submission: - SpringBot.
This game was originally created for GPCv6, but i'm improving it gradually.
Move the Bot to the end of the level, using as little energy as you can.

Built by Man

  • Posts: 14
Last Man Standing is a game I made to try and teach myself how to use Stencyl.

Use the mouse to destroy as many of the on coming alien robots as you can before they over run your position.

Hope you enjoy


  • *
  • Posts: 728
Here is my game, it's called Dangerous Dungeons

It's a challenging retro-style platformer, starring a little thief treasure hunter, who has arrived to a deep and dark dungeon, ready to face the dangers inside to claim the biggest treasure in the world.


  • *
  • Posts: 763
I would like to submit my game, NEON ON, to this contest.  :)

It's a "Geometry Wars-like" game with levels-up, power-ups and achivements to unlock.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 11:56:33 am by Manuel »
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  • Posts: 8

Cold Boot, as described in pages before, this is the correct complete build made for the contest! good luck to everybody :D


  • Posts: 2
I'm submitting my game, "The Righteous God":

It's a short little platforming game where you start off trying to walk up the stairs to heaven, only to discover that God is not quite as nice as expected.


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Hey Jon, I have a game that is on Flash Game License, and I want to make it only available on that page. Will I still be able to enter it here?

Sure, that's OK.


  • Posts: 21

My game: 10 Seconds to dig a hole

You are an orange square with supreme digging powers; while some crazy mad-square, keeps burying bombs under ground; with intentions of destroying the world! you have 10 seconds to dig to the bomb and defuse it or the world is doomed!

Traverse your way through 24 different levels, digging up bombs and saving the world, over and over again. Until you find this mad-square, and stop him for good!


  • Posts: 1118
I would just like to point out that Ethan added me as co-author to his game on FGL, however the only thing I did for him was implement the menu bar system and tutorial dialogues from ASLoF as they were a bit confusing.

So please don't discredit on that count.
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  • Posts: 177
Alright, here's my entry:

There's one killer bug- if you die on the first level, the music repeats.


  • Posts: 17
i wont have any of mine ready by the deadline it seems :(


  • Posts: 1
Hello, I want to introduce you to my game. It's called 'linear man".This game was made ​​specially for this competition

« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 12:22:35 pm by DarkwingDuck »


  • Posts: 20
Well, here is my entry and my first ever game using Stencyl.  A maths puzzler that I made specially for this competition (and to learn how to use Stencyl)