Concerning the types of resources you can use, I'm willing to bet that yeah, you can use any resources that you have legal permission to, which would include any that have the proper CC license applied (one or maybe two varieties don't allow derivative works, so make sure to check), any resources that the creator has given you personally permission for (like maybe a friend or something), anybody you're collabing with, etc.. But, I wouldn't recommend using work where full copyrights are retained and no permissions are given since that's both illegal and inethical. That would include ripping graphics or content straight from another source, like using Mario sprite rips or something.
Speaking of, I do have a similar question. Fanwork in general has always been a legal gray area, and this is true in the arena of fangames and in Stencyl's stance to fangames too. I didn't even think to ask before, but what about for game jams then? My Pokepet game is definitely a fangame, is it not allowed as an entry?
hero2bash, they may have some kind of edge, but I don't think terribly much of one haha ^^' . Any of the beta testers that have used and gained any decent familiarity with Stencyl is probably Expert or Master Stencyler. There are many beta testers got busy, forgot about Stencyl for a while, haven't used it much, etc.. Like me XD . I had a hard time with it at first, and it kind of discouraged me from playing more with it until, like, two weeks ago or something. I'm one step away from being as clueless as the rest of you, and by now I'm sure many quicker and more clever users will already have surpassed what little knowledge I'd gained XD . Beta testers weren't required to use Stencyl or anything, they just used it if they wanted and gave feedback if they wanted (the beta didn't have strict rules or anything) .
<3 ali